Pollution: Listen & Read p.103

 browse /braʊz/: to look at information on the internet.

 outline: a description of the main facts about something. (الخطوط العريضة)

 noise pollution: noise, such as that from traffic, that upsets people where they live or work and is considered to be unhealthy for them.

 blood pressure: ضَغط الدمّ 

 Grammar Practice: Present Perfect Simple & Continuous

 Form: Present Perfect Simple: Subject+have/ (he-she-it) has+past participle 

 Present Perfect Continuous: Subject+have/ (he-she-it) has+been+verb+ing 

 Use of the Present Perfect: p.103

 When the time is not mentioned:

 I have cleaned my room.

      (When? we do not know.)

 He has gone to Istanbul.

      (When? we do not know.)

 Recently completed actions: (just)

 He has just played handball.

 She has just drunk a glass of water.

 When the time period has not finished: (this+period of time)

 I have read three books this month. (This month has not finished yet) (But when it finishes, we use the simple past)

 It is 10:30 a.m. She has written two emails this morning. (But: It is 12:25 p.m. She wrote two emails this morning. Past Simple)

 When an action starts in the past and is still continuing in the present, mostly with since (point of time) or for (period of time):

 They have lived in Canada since 1986.

have lived in Canada for 32 years.)

 They have been living in Canada since 1986.

have been living in Canada for 32 years.)

N.B.: With “
for”, if the action is finished, then we use the simple past:

He taught English in Fes
for 6 years before moving to Rabat. (Now he teaches English in Rabat, not Fes)

 With the expressions “lately”= “recently”:

 I have been to London recently.

 Have you been doing any exercises lately?

 With the expressions “yet” (negative & interrogative) & “already” (affirmative):

 A: Have you done your homework yet?

     B: Yes, I have
already done it.
     No, not
yet. /No, I haven’t done it yet.

 With ever (?) & never (negative):

 A: Has he ever visited Spain?
     B: No, he has
never visited it.

 With the superlative: It is the+superlative+present perfect (ever)

 It is the most delicious cake I have ever eaten.

 It is the most important monument she has ever seen.

 With other time expressions: (so far, up to now= until now, since then)

 They have visited several countries so far.

 They moved to Oujda in 2015. They have been living there since then.

 Listening: p.104

 Communication: p 105

A: Have you ever travelled alone?
B: Yes, I have.
A: When did you do that?
B: Last year.
A: I have never travelled alone, but I'll do it very soon.

 Reading: p.105

 air pollution: harmful substances in the air, often consisting of waste from vehicles or industry.

 minor: having little importance, influence, or effect, especially when compared with other things of the same type. (ضَئيل, غَيْر مُهِمّ)

 damage: harm or injury. (ضَرَر, أذى)

 respiratory system  /rɪˈspɪr.ə.tər.i ˌsɪs.təm/

 recent: happening or starting from a short time ago. (حَديث)

 brain damage

 expose:  to remove what is covering something so that it can be seen.


 car factory: Résultat de recherche d'images pour "factories"

 traffic jam: 

 toxic pollutants: 

 Writing: p 106

 Listen and Read: p.107

 considerable: large or of noticeable importance.

 cutting down trees: 

 destroy: to damage something so badly that it cannot be used.

 destroy animal habitats

 habitat:  /ˈhæb.ɪ.tæt/ the natural environment in which an animal or plant usually lives.


 vast: extremely big.

 consumption: the amount used or eaten (اسْتِهْلاك). (Verb: consume)


 amazing: extremely surprising.

 football field: 

Listening: p.108

Reading: p.109

 alarming: casing worry and fear. (مُقلِق)

 coastal: positioned on, or relating to the coast. (سَاحِلي)

 vanish: to disappear or stop being present or existing, especially in a sudden, surprising way. (يَخْتَفي فَجْأة)

 decrease: to become less, or to make something become less. (يُخفّض, يُقَلِّل) # increase.

 logging: the activity of cutting down trees in order to use their wood.


 land clearing

 cattle grazing

 grazing land: land where farm animals feed on grass.

 reside: live, have your home, or stay in a place.

 deforestation: the cutting down of trees in a large area, or the destruction of forests by people.

 loss: (verb: lose) ضَياع, فُقْدان.

 generate: to cause something to exist Synonym: produce.(يوجِد, يُوَلِّد)

 rainfall: rain, or the amount of rain that falls.

 destructionthe act of destroying something, or the fact of being destroyed.

 drought: a long period when there is little or no rain.

Word Net: p.110


 rain forestsالغابات المطيرة.

 Writing: p 110

Listen and Read: p.111

Grammar: p.111

Modal verbs for possibility

Communication: p.112

ٌReading: p.113

 sovereign: a king or queen.
 devastation: damage and destruction.

 desertification: التصحر.

 extinction: a situation in which something no longer exists. (انقِراض)

 fauna: all the animals that live wild in a particular area. 

 praise: to express admiration or approval of the achievements or characteristics of a person or thing. (يَمْدَح)

 degradation: the process in which the beauty or quality of something is destroyed or spoiled. 

ٌWriting: p.114