seek: look for. (S.p./p.p. : sought)

 allocate: give sth officially for a particular purpose.

 aim to do sth: intend or hope to achieve sth.

 launch: begin an activity, especially an organized one.

 dignified: calm and serious and deserving respect.

 merely: only; simply.

 devote: give an amount; dedicate.

 emphasize: give special importance or prominence to (something) in speaking or writing. (noun: emphasis-  plural: emphases/adjective: emphatic/adverb: emphatically)

 to shun (-nn-): avoid sb/sth : (She has shunned publicity since she retired from the theatre.)

 subsequently: happening after sth else; afterwards.

 denigrate: criticize unfairly; disparage. (noun: disparagement/adj: disparaging/adv: disparagingly)

 content: satisfied; happy; cheerful; glad.

 intellect: power of the mind to reason; the faculty of reasoning and understanding objectively, especially with regard to abstract or academic matters.

 withdraw: retreat from.

 consciousness: awareness.

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